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Big River Broadcasting has been helping businesses in the Tennessee Valley grow for over 50 years. How is 2024 shaping up for you? Our combination of traditional media and digital platforms delivers a powerful return on your marketing investment. Our marketing team has over 100 years of experience and we can show you how to achieve the results you want and why Radio Gets Results!

Give us a call today...256-764-8121 or visit

Nick Martin

General Manager



9 Key Attributes Of Successful Salespeople

Salespeople have quotas to meet, key performance indicators (KPIs) to hit, and return on investments (ROI) to generate. However, their goals all boil down to one thing: making successful sales or winning new customers! But here’s the sad truth: nearly three-fourths of salespeople fail. That makes the average sales success rate only about 3% across all industries. The rates, however, vary from lower than 1% to more than 20% (according to industry, market, and product itself). As you can see, a business is about making money, and sales serve as the ultimate backbone. While many habits and skills are required for this, it all starts with the power of the mind. It takes a great salesperson with a powerful mindset to make successful sales.

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10 Points On Creating A Successful Loyalty Program

Customer loyalty is a relationship with your business.

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4 Tips For Beginning Any Call

Start any call off on the right foot.

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7 Top Tips For Entrepreneurs From Mark Cuban

"The hard part is finding the thing that you're good at."

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8 Branches Of Business Management

Each sector of management is vital for your small business to succeed.

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6 Small Business Challenges & How To Overcome Them

Don't be left unaware of the needs and risks for your business.

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12 Strategies To Minimize Distractions & Enhance Focus

Mastering deep work is crucial for productivity.

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4 Topics To Consider When Choosing A Legal Structure

It is important to understand all of your options.

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5 Lessons I Learned From Running A Business

Pivot, listen, fire, and more.

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6 Warning Signs Of Bad Leaders

These toxic behaviours will block success.

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