We all get a lot of email. And we send off scores of them, too. Of course for important emails, we hope for replies or action. Here's some simple techniques that will help you to improve your ability to get people to take action on your important emails.
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Customer service tips aren't just for those in the trenches; everyone on your staff can benefit from improving these skills. Whether you're new to business or have been at it for a long time, check out this list for ways to sharpen your customer service skills immediately.
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Running a business is difficult. But there is a two-word solution that most successful business owners will tell you is key to their success: Time Management. Here are some tips on how to stay afloat.
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One of the main business mantras is "Know Your Numbers," and because numbers are the language of business, it is numbers that will ultimately determine your success.
Sending texts, IMs, and e-mails has become commonplace but with all this speed, are we sacrificing quality business communications? Take an extra minute to review your emails before you send.
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Business slows down a bit in the summer as people head away to take vacations. But that doesn't mean you should flip the sign on the door to "closed," pull out the bikinis and swim trunks and head to the beach until Labor Day.
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