Everyone is different, and not all of these strategies may work for everybody, however here are nine unconventional tips that may help you to manage your time far more effectively than any app you've tried.
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To paraphrase Homer Simpson, "Email is the cause of -- and the solution to -- all of the world's problems." Managing the influx of email in your inbox everyday can seem like a job unto itself.
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This online diagnostic questionnaire is a quick yet powerful way to target both your weaknesses and your strengths. After all improvement is only possible when you know where you're going wrong, and what you can do about it.
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Success in business is all about relationships. Your network is your most important asset. Treat it that way.
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The phrase "go with your gut" validates the importance of intuition and instinct in leadership and decision-making. But it's also true that discarding reason and experience in favor of hunches often results in bad business decisions.
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When it comes to using social media to reach customers—or potential customers—many business owners struggle to figure out what works and what doesn't. Here are some quick tips from experts and small-business owners.
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